Read more about the article The Strong Force – By Lukas Karoly
Figure 1. Table of the Standard Model showing the various elementary particles.

The Strong Force – By Lukas Karoly

            In an introductory physics course, you learn about a diverse range of forces—friction, normal force, tension, spring force, etc. The majority of these forces are non-fundamental forces, and all boil down to four fundamental forces: gravity, the electromagnetic force, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force. The first two are probably the most familiar, and for good reason. The majority of forces that we experience every day, such as simple pushing or…

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Read more about the article What is a Fusor? – By Noah Liebnitz
Fig. 2. The Hirsch-Meeks fusor, a closely related model of the original Farnsworth-Hirsch design (Klopfer 2012).

What is a Fusor? – By Noah Liebnitz

What is a Fusor...?  (By Noah Liebnitz) We can actually answer that question simply: a fusor is a device designed to fuse atoms. While this gets to the heart of the matter rather quickly, it is not particularly enlightening, nor is it completely correct. In reality, there are a number of devices designed to generate fusion reactions. Typically, when people use the word “fusor,” they are referring to the machine first built by Philo Farnsworth…